Summer Evening Walks

Summer Evening Walks
My favorite place to walk....

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Morning Walks

I've been taking the dogs for walks in the morning, individually, if it is cool enough and NOT raining in. Today was one of those days!!! It took a little over an hour to get each of their 20 minutes in but sooo worth it! They are sooo funny!! It is easiest to do this if you start the process with Leah in the backyard as she is the biggest 'lets go for a walk junkie' EVER and she loves being in the backyard in the morning anyways!!! By the time she has her walk she has no idea Jasper and Bella have already gone! Jasper goes first, end of story! Bella barks her little head off the entire time! We can hear her as the door closes and we walk away and we can hear her from a pretty good distance on approach! I take 2 poop bags for Jasper, he has gone more than twice before but those are on longer walks....he is quite the poop machine!!! I also think he likes me walking around carrying a bag of his poop!!! He only pooped once today, I was happy! Bella went next. I could not get the leash on fast enough for her and she told me all about it!!!! Once we were out the door she was ears up and all business! She stopped at each spot that Jasper had thought was important to attack with his sniffer and she did the same! She did her itty bitty poop, much easier to clean up than Jasper's! Much lighter to carry as well!!! She walked in the house all proud and acting like she had run a marathon! Jasper was still panting like he was dying!! I brought Leah is from out back and some how she knew she was going on a walk! She bolted over to where her leash hangs and she was a jumping and a crying and being all the crazy girl she is when she knows she is going for a walk! Just getting her leash on his a feat!!! She jumps on you and knocks you over in her excitement! I finally got her ready and we were out the door with Bella hollering non stop as we left! Leah LOVES the Great Front World as we call it. She likes her backyard too, but she is extra happy out front just walking and sniffing. She stopped each place Jasper and Bella stopped but wasn't anywhere near as interested in sniffing as long as those two did and as usual she did not poop! She refuses to poop in public or maybe she just doesn't think it is right for me to carry her poop!!! Now the three dogs are acting like they might fall over and die at any moment and I'm the one that walked it three times!!! Bella is getting fanned by Leah's tail and when Leah's tail plops on her she is too tired to move! They are making me laugh as I get ready to go to the gym and do my weights, abs, and swim land cardio is all done, thank you furry friends!!

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