Summer Evening Walks

Summer Evening Walks
My favorite place to walk....

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fixing Shorts

The Dude in Cammies came home about 20 pounds lighter than when he left last November.....all of his shorts were falling off of him.....his smaller shorts were all missing buttons.....i had no buttons that size.....sooooo, we pulled off some buttons from some jungle cammies in his closet.  Than another dilema happened!  I only had one needle because i do NOT sew!!!  I use this ONE needle to remove splinters! This ONE needle had a SUPER small eye that my thread was too big for.....Than a thought occured to me, DENTAL FLOSS!!!  It worked perfectly and if there EVER happens to be a shortage of dental floss i will have an emergency stash in his shorts drawer!  This girl has gotta have her floss!!!

Yep, he doesn't call me The Homewrecker fro nothing.....maybe someday i will advance to Home Godess....but that is about as likely to happen as me earning my E!!!! 

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